Thursday, January 15, 2015

An Apple a Day...

Eating the daily recommendation of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day is an important part of a healthy eating plan. Why you ask....

Color & Texture - Eating fruits and vegies with a variety of color provides a broad range of nutrients.

Convenience - Fruits and vegies are nutritious in any form. Fresh is probably best, but try frozen, canned in light syrup, dried and 100% juice.

Fiber - Fruits and vegies are a great source of fiber. This will help fill you up and keep your digestive system in good working order.

Low in Calories - Fruits and vegies are naturally low in calories

Reduce Risk of Disease - Eating plenty of fruits and vegies may help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and some cancers.

Vitamins and Minerals - Fruits and vegies are rich in vitamins and minerals that help you feel healthy and energized.

Click here to learn more about the nutritional value of fruits and vegies.


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