The Annual Intermountain Healthcare Foundation Golf Tournament was a big success! Here are a list of the winners...
1st Gross- Greg Lee, Chris Chapin, John
Karpinski, Josh Whitemoreland—Corning Ford team-Corning Ford always sponsors
this tournament with the Hole In One truck
2nd Gross- Paul Cavagnaro, Jacob Armelino, Clay Frandsen,
Tom Armelino-Ray Morgan Company
3rd Gross- Dave McGhee, Tom Peterson, Kevin
Roberts, Philip Westphal- ALPHA Fund- one of our yearly big sponsors
1st Net-Keith Sharp, Tim Estes, John Green, Mark
2nd Net- Michael Downing, Doug Cady, Duane
Loucks, Ron Thoensen
3rd Net- Cyndy Gordon, Kenny Gordon, Becky Levy,
Rich Levey- Shasta Regional Medical Center team- yearly sponsor of this
Men’s Closest to the Pin- Kevin Donohue
Women’s Closet to the Pin- Brenda McGuire
Men’s Longest Drive-Jacob Armelino
Women’s Longest Drive- Susan Lauer
Putting Contest Winner- Jacob Armelino