Monday, January 19, 2015

Weight Loss Mistakes

Losing weight, it is never easy. It goes on pretty easy, but taking it off and keeping it off is a hard road. There are several reasons we could be having a hard time. Most of us had made at least one of these weight loss mistakes.

  • Only focusing on calories consumed - instead of just reducing the number of calories you consume, increase the quality of food you eat.
  • You can't out exercise a bad diet - You may try to make up for bad eating habits with extra exercise. To be successful you need to balance a healthy eating plan and an exercise routine.
  • Losing weight too fast - dropping weight too fast can be unhealthy and may not last. Aim for losing up to 2 pounds per week.
  • Lifting weights should be a part of the plan - cardio is great and burns a lot of calories, but building muscle is important. Muscle requires 3 times more calories than fat cells.
  • Diet Foods & Drinks - They may have less calories, but the chemicals they contain do more harm than good when it comes to weight loss.
  • Weight loss supplements - There is no quick fix that is a permanent solution. Exercise and eat right, that is the answer.
  • Don't eliminate fat - Healthy fats will help you control calorie consumption.
  • Focus on fat loss, not weight loss - Your body fat percentage is more important than your weight.
  • Setbacks will happen, don't give up - Don't focus on what has gone wrong, focus on the positive steps in your journey. You can press the "reset button" anytime.
  • Don't make excuses - Don't blame your inability to lose weight on something else. Quit making excuses and make a plan. You can do it!
For more health and fitness tips visit MMHD's Website.

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