Monday, April 22, 2024

7 Things You Can Do to Get Kids to Eat Healthier


Here’s how to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy eating.

Parents often feel like it’s a battle to get kids to eat healthy foods. But when kids eat healthier and adopt other good-for-you habits, such as exercising regularly, it not only keeps them healthier in the moment but makes it more likely they will continue to make healthy choices for years to come.

To make it more likely that your children will embrace healthier eating habits rather than fighting you each time you introduce good-for-you foods, you may have to be a bit strategic. But since habits learned when children are young often stay with them for life, the effort you make now is well worth it.

Here are 7 things you can do to make it more likely your kids will eat healthier:

  1. Involve kids in food decisions – From selecting food at the grocery store to packing lunch for school, kids are more likely to eat foods when they have been part of the decision-making process. Present kids with healthy options to choose from but let them make the final decision.
  2. Be a role model – Kids are more likely to do things that they see their parents or guardians doing, so make healthy eating a family affair. It’s easier to get kids to snack on fruit or nuts if they see mom or dad doing the same.
  3. Limit junk food in the house – There’s no reason to forbid certain foods, but there’s also no reason to make them easily accessible. Get into the habit of enjoying certain foods only when you go out so portion sizes are controlled.
  4. Experiment with new foods – Let your child pick out one or two new foods at the grocery store (preferably from the produce aisle) and then come up with ways to prepare the new food. Make a game out of it or try new recipes together.
  5. Meal prep – Prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance so it’s easy for everyone in the family to have healthy food at their fingertips when they’re hungry. Get the whole family involved to make easy work of meal prep and to get kids more vested in eating what is prepared.
  6. Eat together – Scheduling regular family meals can go a long way in getting kids to embrace healthy eating habits. It also helps them associate positive memories with healthy foods, which makes it more likely they’ll want to eat them.
  7. Start the day off right – Breakfast is one of the most important times for kids to eat healthy. Get everyone in the habit of eating foods high in protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fat to start the day. Cook up some egg muffins or breakfast burritos in advance if time is at a premium.

Instead of hounding kids to “eat this, not that,” coming up with strategies that make it more likely kids will embrace healthier eating as the norm can go a long way towards getting everyone in the family to develop healthier habits.

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Date Last Reviewed: February 15, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Jane Schwartz, RDN, CLT

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Feeling Tired or Weak? You May Need More Vitamin B12


These are just some symptoms that can occur if you’re lacking this essential nutrient.

Your body needs a variety of vitamins every day. Some of these are considered essential nutrients because your body cannot produce them on its own. The only way to get what your body needs is through food (or supplements). One such vitamin is B12 – also called cobalamin. This essential vitamin is critical in keeping the body healthy.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is not stored in the body. That means you need to consume enough of this vitamin each day to keep your body running optimally. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms a day for most adults. If you don’t get enough B12, you may experience symptoms that are just minor annoyances, but left untreated, a deficiency in this critical vitamin can lead to serious health problems.

What does vitamin B12 do?

Vitamin B12 plays a key role in how your nervous system operates. It supports the function of your nerve cells and is needed for the formation of red blood cells. It also plays a role in DNA synthesis. Vitamin B12 affects important functions of your heart, brain, nerves, bones, eyes and skin. It can also affect your energy levels.

What are signs that I need more vitamin B12?

These are some of the most common signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Numbness, tingling or a pins-and-needles feeling in your legs, feet or hands
  • Balance problems, including difficulty walking
  • Cognitive problems, including memory loss or difficulty with thinking or reasoning
  • Mouth sores or a swollen tongue
  • Pale or yellow skin
  • Painful joints
  • Depression
  • Muscle cramps
  • Anemia

Symptoms may come on gradually or appear suddenly. You may only have one symptom or experience more than one. Many symptoms may also be due to other health conditions. A blood test can check your B12 levels to see if you are deficient in this vitamin. Left untreated, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause severe neurological problems and blood diseases so symptoms should not be ignored.

Why am I deficient in vitamin B12?

Some people don’t get enough vitamin B12 in their diets because of the foods they eat. For others, a deficiency may be caused by an inability of the body to effectively absorb vitamin B12 even when enough is consumed. Factors that may make it harder for your body to absorb B12 include advancing age, weight loss surgery, gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohn’s or celiac disease, alcohol use disorder or certain medications, such as heartburn drugs.

How can I add more vitamin B12 to my diet?

Vitamin B12 is found naturally in animal products, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. It may also be added to other foods, such as fortified breakfast cereals and nutritional yeast. People who follow a primarily plant-based diet, including vegetarians and vegans, may not get enough B12 from their diets because it is not a naturally occurring vitamin in plant foods. If you cannot consume enough foods containing B12, a supplement may be needed.

Many people can get the vitamin B12 they need by taking a daily multivitamin. Standard multivitamins contain more than the RDA for this vitamin. If you have a serious B12 deficiency, you may need a daily high-dose vitamin B12 pill or weekly injections of B12. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about what is right for you.

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Date Last Reviewed: February 15, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Jane Schwartz, RDN, CLT

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Monday, April 8, 2024

Is Climate Change Making Your Allergies Worse?


If you feel like you’ve been suffering more than usual during allergy season, you’re not alone.

Does it seem like your allergies have been getting worse year after year? If so, it may not be your imagination. The culprit may be climate change. As the planet warms, allergy seasons appear to be getting longer. Concentrations of allergens in the air, such as pollen, are also increasing. This all adds up to more sniffling, sneezing and wheezing for those who are long-time allergy sufferers. Even people who never experienced allergies in the past may notice they now have symptoms.

This increase in the duration and intensity of allergy seasons is not just a consequence of climate change that may happen sometime in the future. It’s a fact of life right now. No matter where you live or what the climate is like in your own backyard, chances are that you’re living among more allergy triggers than ever before.

One research study measured pollen trends in North America between 1990 to 2018. The study found that pollen seasons now start about 20 days earlier than they did in the 1990s. There’s also been more than a 20 percent increase in pollen concentrations during this time. Although the long-term role of climate change in relation to pollen patterns is not well understood, the effects it is having, and is expected to continue to have, on allergy sufferers cannot be ignored.

By increasing the amount of allergy triggers in the air, there is a higher likelihood that people will experience respiratory health issues due to seasonal allergies. This may be bothersome if you’re someone who muddles through the season with occasional sniffling or watery eyes. But if you have more severe allergy symptoms, or also have asthma, the increasing effects of allergens in the environment may be cause for concern.

There’s nothing you can do about the amount of pollen in the air or how long it lingers, but there are steps you can take to make allergy season more bearable. Here are a few tips for reducing your exposure to seasonal allergy triggers:

  • Stay indoors on days when pollen counts are high (dry windy days are especially bad).
  • Avoid being outside early in the morning, when pollen counts are highest.
  • Skip outdoor chores, such as mowing the lawn or pulling weeds, that may increase your exposure to allergens. If you can’t get someone else to do it, wear a mask.
  • Take off clothes you wear outside as soon as you come indoors.
  • Shower before going to bed to remove any pollen that may be trapped in your hair.
  • Brush or bathe pets that spend a lot of time outdoors, especially if they’re allowed on the couch or in your bed.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.
  • Don’t hang laundry outside or leave items of clothing outdoors.
  • Use HEPA filters on your HVAC system and vacuum, if possible.
  • Begin taking allergy medications before the height of allergy season.
  • For some people, getting allergy shots provides lasting relief from allergens.

If your allergy symptoms are severe, have been getting worse or trigger asthma attacks or other respiratory issues, see a doctor for additional prevention and treatment options.

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Copyright 2024 © Baldwin Publishing, Inc.  Health eCooks® is a registered trademark of Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Cook eKitchen™ is a designated trademark of Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Any duplication or distribution of the information contained herein without the express approval of Baldwin Publishing, Inc. is strictly prohibited.

Date Last Reviewed: February 16, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Perry Pitkow, MD

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Monday, April 1, 2024

Could You Have This Common Health Problem and Not Know It?

Heart disease may go undiagnosed until it’s too late. Here’s how to be more aware of your risk.

Heart disease. It’s one of the most common health conditions affecting Americans and is the leading cause of death in the U.S., but it may not be so easy to spot. This serious disease often goes undetected at its earliest stages because it doesn’t cause any symptoms. That’s why if you have it, you may not know about it until it’s too late, such as when you have a heart attack or experience heart failure.

Is heart disease easy to diagnose?

One reason it’s not so easy to know if you have heart disease is that it’s not so simple to check for it. A doctor can’t tell whether you have a build-up of plaque in your arteries or determine if your heart muscle has weakened just by looking at you during an exam. The only way to get a very accurate picture of your heart’s health is by doing expensive diagnostic tests that are sometimes invasive and often not recommended unless you already have symptoms. However, there are easy ways to identify conditions that affect your heart health, and these shouldn’t be ignored.

What is the biggest risk factor for heart disease?

One of the biggest risks to your heart health is also one of the easiest to diagnose. It’s high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is defined as having a systolic pressure over 130 mmHg and a diastolic pressure over 80 mmHg. Less than 25 percent of people with high blood pressure have it under control – and many don’t even know they have the condition.

High blood pressure damages your arteries by making them stiffer and less elastic. This can decrease the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart. It also forces your heart to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body, which can cause it to enlarge, thicken and not work as well as it should. Although the effects of high blood pressure may not be immediate, the damage it causes can go unnoticed for years before you develop any kind of symptoms.

How can you lower your risk?

Having your blood pressure checked regularly is an important step in keeping your heart healthier. By knowing if your blood pressure is high, you can take steps to lower it so it doesn’t cause further harm. This may be done through lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, limiting alcohol and reducing stress. It may also require prescription medication to get your blood pressure into a healthy range.

The same lifestyle habits that help you manage your blood pressure also help to keep your heart healthier overall, so adopting these habits can lower your overall risk of developing heart disease. They also lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is another major risk factor for heart disease.

Additionally, look out for any potential symptoms of heart disease and see a doctor if you experience them. Symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, fast or irregular heartbeat, fatigue, chronic coughing, wheezing or swelling in the legs and feet.

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Date Last Reviewed: February 16, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Perry Pitkow, MD

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Monday, March 25, 2024

Is This Diet the Healthiest Way to Eat?


Here’s why the Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world.

If you’re looking to increase the healthfulness of your diet, you may want to follow the principles of the Mediterranean diet. This popular style of eating has been ranked as the healthiest diet for the seventh year in a row by U.S. News & World Report. A panel of leading medical and nutrition experts evaluate a variety of diets each year and rank them based on factors such as the nutritional value they offer, how easy they are to follow and how sustainable they are over the long term. They also consider any related health risks and benefits.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

This style of eating does not follow a stringent set of rules for what can and cannot be eaten or how much should be consumed. Rather, it is similar to the traditional eating habits of countries in the Mediterranean region, including Italy, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Turkey and Morocco.

The diet encourages eating a variety of whole unprocessed plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes. It also allows for the consumption of healthy fats, especially olive oil. Seafood is typically eaten at least twice a week. Poultry, eggs, cheese, yogurt and red wine can be consumed in moderation. Red meats, sweets and processed foods should be limited or avoided. The Mediterranean diet also encourages people to take the time to enjoy meals with friends and loved ones.

Can you lose weight on the Mediterranean diet?

It is possible to lose weight when following this style of eating, but as with any type of diet focused on weight loss, you need to watch portion sizes. Although healthy, some foods that are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet, such as olive oil, nuts, cheese and pasta, contain a lot of calories so they can impede your weight loss if you overdo it.

What are the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet?

This diet has been researched extensively and results have shown that it may not only help people lose weight, but it may also improve heart health, reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and slow cognitive decline. Since the diet focuses on a variety of whole unprocessed foods, it contains a balance of healthy carbs, protein and fat that provides the body with what it needs to run optimally. It also leaves little room for the saturated fat, added sugars and sodium that is a hallmark of the standard American diet.

Why is the Mediterranean Diet easy to follow?

By including a variety of whole unprocessed foods, followers of this diet can fill up on delicious and nutritious foods, including gut-filling fiber, protein and healthy fats, that help keep hunger at bay. There are no limits on the quantities of food eaten and no strict restrictions on what can be consumed.

In contrast, diets that ban specific foods or severely restrict calories can be difficult to follow. They may cause people to fall short on certain nutrients and may leave them feeling hungry and craving the foods they’re avoiding. While these types of diets may work in the short term if you are looking to lose weight, they are often not sustainable for a long time.

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Date Last Reviewed: January 16, 2024

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, Baldwin Publishing, Inc. Contact Editor

Medical Review: Jane Schwartz, RDN, CLT

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Monday, March 18, 2024

5 Invigorating Ways to Enjoy More Daylight


Move more while enjoying fresh air and sunshine with these exciting and relaxing activities.

As the days get longer, you will likely have more opportunities to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Doing so also makes it more likely you’ll be more physically active. After all, unless your idea of enjoying being outdoors is simply sitting in a chair in your backyard, most activities that beckon you outside come with some added physical activity – and that’s good for both your physical and mental well-being.

Studies have shown that while exercise of any type is good for your health, exercise done outside in nature is even better. You’ll get all the health benefits of physical activity, plus you’ll likely find that outdoor exercise helps reduce stress and mental fatigue, improve mood and even raise your self-esteem. As a bonus, you may feel like you’re not working as hard when exercising outdoors, which makes it easier to finish your workout or allows you to stay active longer.

Ready to take advantage of the extra daylight at this time of year (and for months to come)? Here are 5 fun, interesting and invigorating ways to do so:

  1. Watch a sunrise or sunset. Nature has a way of wowing us each and every day and watching the sun rise or set is one of the grandest ways to enjoy its beauty. Take a walk outside while savoring the changing colors of the sky. It’s invigorating, relaxing and recharging.
  2. Explore a new location. If your walk is getting boring or routine, find a new location to switch things up. There’s no end to the places you can explore as you put one foot in front of the other. Seeing new sights may be just what you need to breathe new life into your daily walk or run.
  3. Take it off road. Have you spent time walking, running or biking indoors this winter? Instead of taking your activity out on the road, why not take it off road? Hiking, trail running and mountain biking provide a whole new set of challenges and benefits that are just waiting to be seized.
  4. Help things grow. Now is the perfect time to get your garden going for the growing season. Whether digging, mulching, weeding or planting, you’ll not only get your garden in tip-top shape, but gardening activities will help get your body in shape, too.
  5. Stretch and savor. Treat your body and your mind by finding a quiet location outdoors to stretch, do yoga or perform bodyweight exercises while enjoying fresh air and daylight. This outdoor activity is sure to invigorate your body and your mind.

Whatever activity you choose to do outdoors, make sure you are dressed properly for the weather. Stretch before and after, especially if it’s cold out (you may want to do your stretching someplace warm if it’s especially cold). Don’t forget to wear sunscreen. And as always, check with your doctor before starting any new activity, especially if you have chronic health conditions.

Monday, March 11, 2024

How Your Caffeine Addiction Affects Your Health


Here’s what the caffeine in your daily cup or two (or three!) of coffee or tea is doing to your body.

Your morning cup o’ Joe may be something you can’t imagine starting your day without. Maybe you can’t live without an afternoon pick-me-up that’s fully caffeinated. If you make caffeinated drinks part of your everyday routine, you may be wondering if all that caffeine is good or bad, or whether it has much impact on your health at all.

Research shows that low to moderate amounts of caffeine may offer health benefits. A moderate level is considered to be less than 400 mg, which is the amount found in about four to five cups of coffee. Some studies indicate that regular consumption of caffeinated coffee may be associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, endometrial cancer, gallstones, liver cancer and gallbladder cancer.

Caffeine may also increase energy, alertness and the ability to concentrate and remember things. Since caffeine boosts the flow of dopamine, a feel-food brain chemical, it may make you feel happier and may even lower your risk of depression.

But higher doses of caffeine may have negative effects on health. If you consume too much caffeine, it may speed up your heart rate. There is no solid evidence that this will cause an increase in blood pressure or cause arrhythmias, irregular heart rhythms. However, many cardiologists recommend that patients with these conditions limit or avoid caffeine.

Pregnant women should also consider limiting or eliminating caffeine from their diet since caffeine passes through the placenta into the fetus. You may not need to give up all caffeine if you’re pregnant, but most obstetricians recommend limiting intake to under 200 mg per day.

Caffeinated drinks may cause some people to have heartburn or it may increase symptoms of acid reflux. It may also contribute to dehydration since caffeine is considered a diuretic. So if your daily fluid intake is caffeinated, you’re likely not doing much to hydrate your body.

Although research suggests that a moderate intake of caffeine may be safe for most people, some people cannot tolerate that much caffeine. Drinking more caffeine than can be tolerated may cause symptoms such as agitation, anxiety, restlessness, jitteriness, shakiness or dizziness. You may get headaches, your heart may feel like it’s racing or you may have trouble sleeping.

Not sure what 400 mg of caffeine equates to depending on what you drink? Here’s a list of some popular beverages and approximately how much caffeine they contain:

  • Brewed coffee (8 oz) – 96 mg
  • Espresso (1 oz) – 64 mg
  • Black tea (8 oz) – 47 mg
  • Green tea (8 oz) – 28 mg
  • Cola-flavored soda (8 oz) – 22 mg
  • Energy drink (8 oz) – 72 mg

The choice to drink caffeinated beverages or stick to decaf is a personal choice. If you have health conditions, talk to your doctor about whether caffeine is something you should limit or avoid. Otherwise, only you can decide where the tipping point is between just the right amount of caffeine to get you going and a bit too much.