Thursday, October 16, 2014

Women's Empowerment Hour

Mayers Memorial Hospital District recognizes the importance of being prepared. Being in a small community sometimes makes us complacent and comfortable. Our children attend small schools where they know and trust most everyone.

As a parent of a daughter, I know it made me very nervous when she went off to college in the big city. Protecting yourself, knowing how to be aware and what to do in certain situations is a must.

It really hit home one night when our house phone rang in the middle of the never one was there. I looked at my cell phone to find messages that said, "Momma, please wake up." The call on the house phone was to wake us up, she didn't want to speak or move because she was scared. Through text messages I found out a man was standing outside of her open bedroom window.  Talk about feeling helpless...being 3 hours away. We called the police department. We instructed her to quickly get to the other room until the police came. That is a very condensed version of the story. What it impressed upon me is that we need to prepare our daughters for situations like these.

As women, we need to know how to protect ourselves. While at the Inter-Mountain Fair, I met up with a past Fall River resident who presents classes on equipping women with the tools and knowledge to stay safe and instill confidence if ever threatened.

MMHD is hosting an event at the hospital in Fall River Mills on Monday, October 27th. There will be three "Women's Empowerment Hour" classes at 10:30 am, 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm.

Statistics show 1 in 5 women will be assaulted in their lifetime. Damsel in Defense is a company developed by women for women. Their vision is to make women safe at work, home and play.

The event is FREE and although Damsels in Defense offers products for sale, no purchase is required. The hospital will earn product if anything is sold and will in turn be giving that product away as prizes. There will be door prizes and light snacks. Bring a friend and receive a free gift. Please, no children or infants, but spouses are welcome.

We ask that you RSVP for a specific time so we can be prepared. Contact or
(530)336-5511 ext. 1136.

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