Thursday, October 23, 2014

9 Foods for Post Workout

You have just completed a hard workout and you are starving! Don't just grab anything in sight, reach for something that will refuel and replenish your body.
After a recent half marathon, I was feeling completely depleted. After working your body and muscles so long it needs the proper kind of fuel. Reaching for a soda and chocolate won't do the trick.
Here is a list of 9 great foods to provide your body what it needs to recharge.
  1. Bananas - a fast acting carbohydrate and a great source of potassium
  2. Eggs - PROTEIN! Need we say more?
  3. Berries (preferably the blue kind) - antioxidant boost
  4. Sweet Potatoes - tasty carb with vitamin B6, C, D, magnesium and potassium
  5. Nuts - a quick source of protein
  6. Hummus - a good source of protein and carbs, pair with a pita for a healthy snack
  7. Salmon - protein AND omega 3's to help rebuild muscles
  8. Orange Juice -  vitamin C and potassium to help restore fluid levels in the body.
  9. Pineapple - contains the natural inflammatory bromelain to help heal bruises, sprains and swelling.
Visit MMHD's website for more great articles on healthy food choices.

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