Monday, March 23, 2015

Where are the Germs Hiding?

We know the obvious places that germs will hide; garbage cans, toilet bowls, shopping carts and most things in public places. There are more places we may not be so conscience of. Here is a list of where germs are lurking and what you can do about them.

In the kitchen:

Sponges - these moist dark items are a growing place for bacteria. You can keep them cleaner by soaking in a bleach solution for 5 minutes at least once a week. Also try microwaving sponges on high for 2 minutes.

Knobs, controls and handles - while cooking, we touch a lot of things in the kitchen. You may have just taken the raw chicken out of the package then needed to open a cupboard to get the spices. This is a prime way bacteria is transferred around the kitchen. Keep antibacterial wipes handy and be sure to frequently wipe down these areas.

Cutting Boards - Cross contamination is a big issue in the kitchen.  Many believe plastic cutting boards are better, as wood allows bacteria to enter the porous material. Keep plastic boards clean by regularly running the board through the dishwasher. You can also microwave wooded boards (paying close attention as to not microwaving to long to avoid starting a fire).

Coffee Makers - Your coffee pot needs to be cleaned!  Use a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar and run it through your machine once a month. Don't forget to clean the carafe  regularly.

In the bedroom:

Pillows and sheets - dust mites, allergens and fungi; need you know more? Allergen covers on pillows are a great investments. Washing and drying your sheets on the highest heat and using bleach if possible is a good practice.

In the bathroom:

Bathmat - They get wet and the moisture is trapped between the mat and the floor. This dark environment is where bacteria grows. Launder these mates at least once a week.

Make-up and brushes- eye makeup is the worst, especially mascara. A good practice is to replace eye makeup every season. Liquid foundations and lotions should be kept no longer than 6 months.

Toothbrushes - rinse toothbrushes thoroughly and allow them to dry; replace every 3 month.

Around the house:

Headphones, keys, handbags, phones, water bottles, remotes - all of these items carry a lot of bacteria and germs. Make it a regular practice to clean and replace these items or wash your hand thoroughly after handling.

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