Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Price of Smoking

This week is the American Cancer Society's Great American Smokeout. November 20th is the day to consider quitting.

Tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the Untied States. Even with that statistic, more than 45 million Americans still smoke. From 2000 to 2004, tobacco related health costs and productivity loss in the United States totaled $193 billion.

What is the cost to the smoker - aside from potential health issues?

If you started smoking at age 20 and are now 45 years old, you have paid an average of $4.50 a pack. If you smoke 1 pack per day these are the figures.

1 Year = $1642.50
25 years you have smoked = $41,062.50
If you continue to smoke for another 30 years until you are 75 (the average cost per pack will go up to $7.00 over that time) you will spend an additional:
Grand total of $117,712.50
That is what you have spent and will spend if you smoke one pack per day for 55 years. If you smoke more...do the math.
Think of how this money could better be spent and how your life could be impacted for the better. Many people want to quit or intend to quit.  Why not pick a day? That is what the Great American Smokeout is meant for. Pick November 20 for starting a healthier, happier (and richer) life.
MMHD Respiratory Department has Smoking Cessation programs.  Call for more details. (530)336-5511 Ext. 1226


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