Friday, May 29, 2015

Successful Aging

It is inevitable, we all get older. Life expectancy in the United States is longer and the 85 plus category is the fastest growing segment in our population. Although this is the case, some of the largest challenges are the prevention of physical disabilities, chronic conditions and increasing "Active" life expectancy.

As we get older we have many choices about our aging; including lifestyle, healthcare, and personal choices. There are a few things to remember about "successful" aging.

  • Maintain Positive, Healthy Habits
    • Avoid smoking (second hand smoke also)
    • Limit alcohol consumption to 1 drink per day
    • Exercise - include weight bearing, aerobic and balance
    • Maintain a healthy, comfortable weight
    • Get regular check-ups
    • Be careful!  Avoid falls and situations with potential for injury

  • Be Social and Engage Intellectually
    • Pursue hobbies and interests
    • Spend time with family and friends and strengthen relationships
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Participate in activities that engage your mind

  • Finances
    • Plan for retirement
    • Carefully manage assets and investments
    • Stay current and up-to-date on insurance - plan ahead

  • Be Pro-Active
    • Choose a good physician
    • Communicate your goals, wishes and needs with a trusted member of your family
    • Consider Long Term Care insurance
    • Express your Advance Directives in writing.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

What is a Critical Access Hospital?

Mayers Memorial Hospital District is classified as a Critical Access Hospital (CAH). What does that mean?

A CAH is a hospital certified under a different set of Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoP). These conditions vary from a regular acute care hospital.

Some of the requirements for a CAH include:
  • Having no more than 25 inpatient beds
  • Maintaining an average annual length of stay of no more than 96 hours for acute inpatient care
  • Provide a 7 day a week, 24-hour a day emergency service
  • Located in a rural area
  • At least 35 miles away from another hospital
The limited stay and size of a CAH facility is meant to encourage a focus on providing care for common conditions, providing outpatient services; while referring other conditions to larger hospitals.

MMHD was certified as a CAH on November 1, 2001.  This certification allows for a cost-based reimbursement from Medicare instead of a fixed reimbursement rate.

It is estimated that one-fifth of the United States population lives in a rural area. Critical Access Hospitals offer much needed services in small areas and serve as a foundation to the healthcare delivery system. Many residents of rural areas face challenges with transportation. A CAH focuses on providing that essential care in an accessible manner.

MMHD has a service area of over 8000+ square miles.

MMHD Services

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Fighting Spring Allergies

Springtime is a beautiful time of year. The flowers are blooming, baby animals are being born and outdoor activities are in full swing!

If you suffer from spring allergies, this time of year may not be your favorite.  There are some things you can do to keep spring allergies under control.

Tame Pollen
Wash bedding every week in hot water.  Shower and wash your hair before bed, since pollen can accumulate on the body and in the hair.

Clean Surfaces
Vacuum at least twice a week. Keep surfaces clean and dust free. Wear a mask and gloves while cleaning to minimize your exposure.

Wash Rugs
Limit your use of throw rugs, but be sure to wash the ones you have frequently.

Use Filters
Keep filters on air conditioning and vents clean. Change as necessary.

Keep Windows Closed
This will reduce allergens from coming inside.

Monitor Humidity
Keep the humidity in your house below 50% to prevent mold growth.

Wood and Tile
If it is time to replace flooring, considering eliminating carpet.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cover Your Skin

One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime. Skin cancer is a lifestyle disease and it can be prevented. May is national Skin Cancer Awareness Month; a time to become informed and learn the facts.
A large percentage of skin cancer cases are a result of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. About 90% of non-melanoma skin cancers and about 65% of melanoma skin cancers are a direct result of UV radiation. Protecting yourself from the sun should be a priority in prevention.
Reducing your risk of skin cancer involves simple steps:
  • Seek shade
  • Avoid sunburns. Your risk of melanoma doubles if you have had 5 or more sunburns at any point in life.
  • Avoid tanning beds - UV radiation from tanning machines is known to cause cancer in humans, and the more time a person has spent tanning indoors, the higher the risk. Those who make just four visits to a tanning salon per year can increase their risk for melanoma by 11 percent, and their risk for the two most common forms of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, by 15 percent.
  • Cover Up!
  • Use sunscreen - UVA/UVB with an SPF of 15 or higher for every day. For extended activity  use a water resistant SPF 30.
  • Examine Your Skin - To a head to toe self exam every month and have an annual exam by your physician each month. Download a printable body map to assist with keeping track of spots.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Thank you Margaret!

Thank Margaret Truan for her 21 years of dedication to Mayers Memorial Hospital
District.  Margaret is retiring from her position of Volunteer Services Manager.
MMHD has over 70 volunteers under her direction, staffing one of the four stores or doing a a variety of other volunteer work at MMHD. Margaret has also been responsible for grant writing and has secured the district with  many  grants during her tenure.
Margaret's dedication, enthusiasm and team efforts are an example for all.
She will be missed and we wish her all the best on her next adventure.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Learn More About Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. For over 65 years this observance has been in place reaching millions of people to spread the word about what mental  health is and why each one of us should care.

The 2015 campaign focuses on how to address mental health in the early stages. When we think of physical diseases like cancer, heart disease or diabetes, we don't wait for years to treat them - we begin with prevention. We learn to detect the symptoms.

Mental health should be approached the same way. By learning the facts, recognizing the symptoms and using preventative treatments, potentially serious mental illness can be avoided.

Did you know 1 in 5 adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year? Fifty percent of Americans will meet the criteria for a diagnosable mental health condition sometime in their life and nearly half of them will develop these conditions by age 14.

Early detection is essential. If a person feels like they or a loved one may be experiencing a mental health condition a screening may be a good tool to be used to start a conversation with your health care provider.

Mental health problems are not only common, they are treatable.

Risk Factors:
  • Genetics
  • Biology
  • Environment
  • Lifestyle
Symptoms & Warning Signs:
  • Too much sleep or trouble sleeping
  • Trouble focusing/ Racing thoughts
  • Changes in appetite
  • Isolation
  • Losing interest in things you once enjoyed
  • Irritability
  • Short temper

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Get Active!

May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month and a great time to encourage people of all ages to GET ACTIVE!

Regular physical activity is good for your health.  People of all ages and body types should try to include physical activity in their week. Just 2.5 hours of activity each week can add over 3 years to your life!

In children, physical activity can improve muscular fitness and bone and heart health.

For adults, activity can reduce the risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer.

Physical activity in older adults can lower the risk of falls and improve cognitive function.

Mayers Memorial Hospital District is supporting the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition in honor of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. During the month of May, we challenge all adults to get 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults:
  • Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. Moderate activity includes things like walking fast, dancing, swimming, and raking leaves.
  • Do muscle-strengthening activities – like lifting weights or using exercise bands – at least 2 days a week.
Physical activity is for everyone. No matter what shape you are in, you can find activities that work for you. Together, we can rise to the challenge and get more active during the month of May!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

What is EMS?

*Information from the NHTSA/EMS

They work 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. They are the face of the ambulance, the face of the emergency room, they provide emergency medical care in sometimes less than perfect circumstances.  They are the men and women that staff EMS departments around the country.  This week we honor those people during National EMS Week.

What is EMS?

Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as EMS, is a system that provides emergency medical care. Once it is activated by an incident that causes serious illness or injury, the focus of EMS is emergency medical care of the patient. EMS is mostly recognized when emergency vehicles are seen responding to accidents, but EMS is much more than a ride to the hospital. It is a system of coordinated response and emergency medical care, involving multiple agencies and people. EMS is ready every day for every emergency.

Thank you MMHD EMS staff for your continued dedication to our community.

Monday, May 18, 2015

May is Osteoporosis Month


 *Note: Information from the National Osteoporosis Foundation
May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month In conjunction with this national health observance, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) would like to take this opportunity to remind health care professionals that Medicare provides coverage of bone mass measurements for beneficiaries at clinical risk for osteoporosis.
The facts are that one out of every two women and one in four men over 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. Twenty percent of seniors who suffer a hip fracture die within 1 year. According to the US Surgeon General’s 2004 report Bone Health and Osteoporosis: A Report of the Surgeon General, due to the aging of the population and the previous lack of focus on bone health, the number of hip fractures in the United States could double or triple by the year 2020. The report found that many patients were not being given appropriate information about prevention, and many patients were not having appropriate testing to diagnose osteoporosis or establish osteoporosis risk.
The good news is that osteoporosis is a disease that largely can be prevented and bone loss can be slowed with treatment. Medicare’s bone mass measurement benefit can aid in the early detection of osteoporosis before fractures occur, provide a precursor to future fractures, and determine rate of bone loss.
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones. It happens when you lose too much bone, make too little bone or both. As a result, your bones become weak and may break from a minor fall or, in serious cases, even from simple actions, like sneezing or bumping into furniture.
Osteoporosis means “porous bone.” If you look at healthy bone under a microscope, you will see that parts of it look like a honeycomb. If you have osteoporosis, the holes and spaces in the honeycomb are much bigger than they are in healthy bone. This means your bones have lost density or mass and that the structure of your bone tissue has become abnormal.
As your bones become less dense, they also become weaker and more likely to break. If you’re age 50 or older and have broken a bone, talk to your doctor or other healthcare provider and ask if you should have a bone density test.
Are You at Risk?
There are a variety of factors - both controllable and uncontrollable - that put you at risk for developing osteoporosis. It is important to talk with your healthcare provider about your risk factors for osteoporosis and together you can develop a plan to protect your bones.

Uncontrollable Risk Factors

·        Being over age 50. 
·        Being female. 
·        Menopause. 
·        Family history of osteoporosis. 
·        Low body weight/being small and thin. 
·        Broken bones or height loss.

Controllable Risk Factors

·        Smoking. 
·        Drinking too much alcohol.
·        Losing weight.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Thank You MMHD Staff

As National Hospital Week comes to a close, it is time to say thank you to the MANY wonderful employees of Mayers Memorial Hospital (MMHD). We are proud to be one of the largest employers in Eastern Shasta County; but we are even more proud of the dedicated employees who make our facility what it is.

Thank you MMHD employees! Each one of you is appreciated and valued for your hard work and dedication. It takes each individual, in each department to make our team work.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

National Women's Health Week

It is National Women's Health Week. The celebrated week serves as a reminder for women to take steps to improve their health and make their personal health a priority.

Simple steps for better health:

  • Regular check-ups and preventative screenings
  • Be Active
  • Healthy Diet
  • Manage Stress
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Avoid unhealthy behaviors (smoking, distracted driving, excessive drinking, etc.)
The Office on Women's Health, US Department of Health and Human Services offers a guideline on what you should know in each decade of your life.

In your 20's
In your 30's
In your 40's
In your 50's
In your 60's
In your 70's
In your 80's
In your 90's

For more on Women's Health

Monday, May 11, 2015

National Hospital Week

National Hospital Week Puts Spotlight on People

A hospital is more than a place where people go to heal, it is a part of the community that fosters health and represents hope. From providing treatment and comfort to the sick, to welcoming new life into the world, hospitals are central to a healthy and optimistic community. That’s the message organizers are touting with the 2015 National Hospital Week theme “Where Miracles Happen Every Day.”

The event theme is the centerpiece of a promotional campaign aimed at uniting health care facilities across the country during the May 10–16 celebration. Mayers Memorial Hospital District (MMHD) is proud to participate. “National Hospital Week, first and foremost, is a celebration of people,” Matt Rees, CEO of MMHD said, “We’re extremely proud of each member of our staff and we recognize the important role they play in extending a sense of trust to our patients and our communities.”

The nation’s largest health care event, National Hospital Week dates back to 1921 when it was suggested by a magazine editor who hoped a community wide celebration would alleviate public fears about hospitals. The celebration, launched in Chicago, succeeded in promoting trust and goodwill among members of the public and eventually spread to facilities across the country.

MMHD will be participating with activities throughout the week.  Check our Facebook page daily for a chance to enter out hospital week drawing.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thank You Nurses!

In recognition of National Nurses Week Mayers Memorial Hospital District would like to recognize and thank the many highly skilled and dedicated RN's and LVN's of our facility.  You are appreciated!  Happy Nurses Week!

Trudi Burns - Manager

Emergency Department:
Kathy Broadway - Manager
Cathy Drennon
LeighAnn Harris
Erin Reeves
Luann Wellemeyer
Coleen Beck
Dorothy Hutchison

Mary Ranquist - Manager
Stephanie Heringer
Linda Brotherton

Infection Control:
Shelley Lee - Manager

Staff Development:
Terry King - Manager

Acute (Med/Surg):
Theresa Overton - Manager
Debra McIntyre
Karen Taylor
Hilary Farrell
Christopher Brierley
Linda Sawyer
Autumn Moulton
Karri Quinn
Kelly Schneider
Ashley Fitzhugh
Deanna Sidebottom
Ashley Holscher
Dawn Johson

Holly Green - Manager

Kay Shannon - Manager
Michelle Peterson

Lisa Akin - Manager
Sean Sanders
Stacie Warnock

Skilled Nursing:
Sherry Wilson - Manager
Nola Covert - Charge Nurse
Suzanne Mason - Charge Nurse
Sonya Fitzhugh - Charge Nurse
Sharon Lyons - Charger Nurse
Sara Fenn
Rebekah Yeargin
Jennie Robb
Teresa Davis
Gwen Boyd
Ronda Anderson
Carol Zetina
Deborah Reynolds
Heather Frandsen
Christina Maas
Britany Basinger
Valarie Smith
Nancy Boyce
Dorothy Hatting

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meet Our Nurse Management Team

Mayers Memorial Hospital's nursing staffs are led by a talented and dedicated group of nursing managers.

Sherry Wilson, RN - Chief Nursing Officer

Theresa Overton, RN - Acute Care Manager

Lisa Akin, RN - Surgical Services Manager
Kathy Broadway, RN - Emergency Department Manager
Kay Shannon, RN - Outpatient Services Manager
Holly Green, RN- Obstetrics Department Manager
Mary Ranquist, RN - Hospice Department Manager
Shelley Lee, RN - Infection Prevention Manager
 Terry King, RN - MMHD Staff Development Manager
Trudi Burns, RN - Cardiac Care Manager
Thank you to these dedicated managers and their nursing staff for making MMHD a great place to be!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

It is Nurses Week

  It is National Nurses Week!  A time to recognize that dedicated group of individuals that dedicate their lives to caring for others.

National Nurses Week is kicked if annually on May 6 (Nurses Day) to raise an awareness of the role nurses play in society. The week traditionally ends on May 12, Florence Nightingale's birthday.

Nightingale (1820-1910) is the English nurse who became known as the founder of professional nursing. National Nursing Week was first celebrated in October 194, the 100th anniversary of Nightingale's mission to Crimea.  May 6 was introduced as the date for observance in 1982.

At MMHD we are staffed with an amazing group of nurses and nurse managers. Thank you for all you do each day.  Stay tuned this week to meet our nurse managers and their staff.
"As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hand Hygiene Day

Hand Hygiene is an important part of providing quality healthcare. At MMHD we have strict policies for hand hygiene and provide training during orientations and competencies.

We Know That...
  • Hand hygiene can save lives
  • Hand hygiene is a quality indicator in healthcare systems
  • Infections can be stopped through good hand hygiene
Today is the World Health Organization's Hand Hygiene Day designed to show a commitment from healthcare organizations to provide clean, safe care. At MMHD we are committed to clean, safe care.